EdNC.org featured Hill Learning Center in their article describing their unique partnership with the Mebane Charitable Foundation and Unifi to provide additional resources to Yadkin County Schools’ Exceptional Children’s program (EC). The Mebane Foundation and Unifi contributed a combined $100,000 to provideYadkin County Schools’ EC program with the Hill Reading Achievement Program (HillRAP), a structured, multisensory approach to teaching reading for students with learning challenges. The article outlines a two-year partnership, in which Hill will provide comprehensive training to all K-6 EC teachers in the 18 Yadkin County schools.
The article shares some of the excitement from Yadkin County employees, such as Kristi Gaddis, the director of student services. Gaddis says, “what makes this stand out from all the other instructional techniques is the seamless merging of research-based reading and technology.” She continues to show her eagerness and gratefulness, expressing that she is looking forward to analyzing the growth rate and impact that the Hill Learning System (HLS) and HillRAP have on the students of Yadkin County.
Read the full article here.