Join a community of passionate, dedicated supporters.
A contribution of any size helps Hill Learning Center expand our impact to the 20% of students who struggle to learn. With or without a formal diagnosis, all students with learning differences and attention challenges should receive the instruction and support they need. Hill student programs serve Triangle area students and our Hill Reading Achievement Program and other proven methods serve students in schools across the United States. Your contributions fuel our ability to reach and transform the lives of these students.
Inspiring Stories of Impact
Our son Riley spent two years at Hill and is now a very different, very successful student! Thank you!
We are grateful to ALL of her teachers at Hill who have given our girl the confidence to live beyond her learning differences!
Hill changed our family’s life. Our son truly embodies Hill’s mission, as Hill helped transform him into a confident, independent learner.
Belk Foundation Invests in the Science of Reading
During the 2020 National Summer Institute, 2,800 Teach For America corps members were trained to begin teaching in public school classrooms in low-income communities across the United States. As most of the incoming corps members had minimal experience with explicit reading instruction, TFA looked to Hill Learning Center in partnership with other national reading experts to create a professional development series on the Science of Reading. This collaboration was made possible in part by a $50,000 investment from The Belk Foundation.