Explicit Vocabulary Routines to Support Comprehension with Dr. Anita Archer

Oct 11
8:30am-3:30pm EST

Hill Learning Center

Dr. Anita Archer



Pam Hoggard

Inquire Now

Vocabulary is an integral part of language – both receptive and expressive. Words help us express emotions and ideas, learn new concepts and collaborate with others. Prepare to develop intentional, dynamic, motivating, and explicit vocabulary instruction. Help your students achieve initial mastery and long-term retention. Some specific topics to be covered include:

  • Connection to reading comprehension
  • Planning for word selection to preteach from text- which words get a light touch and which should be taught using an explicit instructional routine
  • Building in background knowledge during vocabulary instruction to aid in comprehension
  • Review and recall strategies for learned vocabulary

About Presenter: Anita L. Archer, Ph.D., is an educational consultant to school districts on explicit instruction, the design and delivery of instruction, behavior management, and literacy instruction. She has taught elementary and middle school students and is the recipient of 10 awards honoring her excellence in teaching and contributions to the field of education. Dr. Archer has served on the faculties of San Diego State University, the University of Washington in Seattle, and the University of Oregon in Eugene. She is nationally known for her professional development activities, having presented in every state over the course of her 40-year career. Dr. Archer is coauthor, with Dr. Mary Gleason, of numerous curriculum materials addressing reading, writing, and study skills.