Hill Learning Center Unveils Community Impact Strategy

Durham, NCSeptember 9, 2024 – Hill Learning Center is proud to announce a bold new strategy focused on deepening its impact within the Triangle community. This strategic shift represents a renewed commitment to supporting students with learning differences, attention challenges, and gaps in foundational academic and executive function skills. Hill Learning Center aims to become a cornerstone of educational support for families and schools in Durham, Chapel Hill-Carrboro, Orange County, and the broader Triangle region.

Hill Learning Center has long been recognized for its excellence in providing research-based, innovative programs. After years of expanding its reach nationally and globally, Hill is turning its focus closer to home with a strategy that is community-centered.

“We recognize that our greatest impact can be realized by strengthening our local ties,” said Laura Virkler, Hill’s Board Chair and a proud parent of a Hill alum. “This strategy is about reinforcing our commitment to the Triangle, where we can make the most meaningful difference in the lives of children and families in our community.”

The strategy, approved by Hill’s Board of Directors in May 2024, outlines three key goals:

  • Strengthen Programs: Hill will invest in enhancing its programs for students and educators by integrating the latest research, data, and best practices.
  • Expand Access: Recognizing the importance of reaching students where they are, Hill will expand its programs in local schools and also provide more financial aid and scholarships for families and educators to ensure that all students, regardless of financial background, have access to Hill’s services.
  • Engage the Community: Hill will engage with local schools and community organizations to develop programs that support families who are not currently served by Hill.

“This strategy is not just about expanding what we do but doing it in a way that is more inclusive, responsive, and connected to the community we serve,” said Dr. Bryan Brander, Hill’s new Executive Director & Head of School. “We believe that by focusing our efforts locally, we can build stronger, more supportive environments for all students, particularly those with learning differences.”

Hill Learning Center’s renewed focus on the local community is a testament to its belief that every child deserves the opportunity to succeed.

As Hill Learning Center implements this strategy, it invites collaboration and partnership with local universities, nonprofits, corporations, and community members who share its vision of educational excellence and equity.

For more information about Hill Learning Center’s new strategy and how you can get involved, click here.

Media Contact:
Darah Whyte

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